Free resource for healers, lightworkers, old souls, modern mystics and anyone ready to find their purpose and cast their magic into the cosmos!

Manifesting Miracles Bundle

Cast your magic, attract soul clients and have that abundant business!


This downloadable handbook will help you tap into and crystallize your soul purpose so you can cast your gifts and share your magic with the world!


Here’s what you’ll get:

  âœī¸  Juicy journal prompts to get you thinking about your unique gifts

  đŸŽ  Questions to help you map out how you can use those gifts in practical ways

  đŸĒ‚  Ideas to help you harness your innate gifts and step into sacred service

  đŸ’Ģ  30 day action plan to make the magic actually happen

  đŸ”Ž  Guidance and inspiration to help you pull it all together

Basically everything you need to set you on your soul path and put your skills, talents and passions to good use.

You love helping people…
and wouldn’t mind knowing how to make a *real* living from meaningful work–but you’ve got no idea how to get paid for your natural abilities.

You have a natural skill or talent
and you know others are willing to pay you for it (although right now you’re probably doing it for free).

You have a serious passion
for a particular topic or subject, in addition to your serious passion for being of service to others.

You want to choose who you work with and that includes when you work and what you’ll get paid–instead of staring at a screen, grinding out mind-numbing work in a soul crushing cubicle.

You want to call in abundance
and you cringe a bit every time you hear something like, “You know, you could totally charge for this” because you know you should be, but how? 

You’d love to make your mark
and make the world a much better place while you’re at it - and who says you aren't allowed to make your own life a little better, too?!

Ok, lightworker lady, set that sage down.

If your heart and mind are racing right now with thoughts swirling like, “OMG, that’s me!” you can relax, you’re here reading this and that means that you’re on the right path.

Here’s the really good news …

If you want to find your purpose, live your passion and serve others –it’s more possible right now than ever before. 

And you deserve it–more than anyone!


You care so deeply about others. You genuinely want to use your special type of healing medicine to help.

And if you’re completely honest, your current sitcho isn’t exactly in alignment with that brief.

You’ve probably been dreaming for a while about starting or growing your biz, and you know…doing what you love while making great money from anywhere.

And yet at the same time…

You have some major reservations:

You’re unsure how to get started (it seems like a lot of work to set up a snazzy website, pick a niche, and how do you actually accept payment again?)…

You feel overwhelmed when it comes to figuring out what services you should offer and how to package them so they sell (and where to find these unicorn people who want to give you money for your magic anyway?)…

You’re just so freaked out by all the noise and competition in your field and you worry you’re not ‘expert’ enough or special enough…

Either way, I’m gonna stop you right there, beauty. 

If you *truly* want to serve others more than anything–and you want to feel like you’re living out your true passion every single day – it’s more possible right now than ever before. 

And you deserve it–more than anyone.

My intention is to empower you with the soulful strategy and manifesting magic to create a sustainable and successful heart-based business. 

The Healer’s Biz Bundle will give you a lush combo of sacred practices, soulful guidance and practical business tools.


It’s time to stop hiding your gifts and start getting paid what you are worth to help others!

Listen: I know offering your special set of skills and helping others for a fee gets a bad rap.

Truth is, using your gifts to serve others and getting paid for it is not greedy or shady, it’s just a simple energetic exchange - one that is needed more than ever right now.

But while wanting to help others is wonderful, your spiritual business also needs to check a few other boxes to ensure it’s super fun, profitable and meaningful for you– and others. 

This means you need to figure some things out first and get it off on the right foot. 

And that’s where the Healer’s Biz Building Bundle is going to come in so handy for you, sister!

This is deep level transformation. This is beyond business, this is life changing!

No More Hiding Your Magic 

It’s time to tap into your purpose and cast your gifts into the cosmos!

The Healer’s Handbook will help you see exactly what sets you apart!

YES, you CAN turn your ‘hidden healing hobby’ or spiritual side-hustle into something that feeds your soul while helping others. 

And if you want reassurance, clarity and guidance on what that actually looks like and how to get started, you’re going to need a plan and a map.

Snag your free copy of the Healer’s Handbook and learn how to cast your magic now…


being totally anchored in your genius and truly aligned with the soul of your biz, owning your space and creating a life you deserve! 

Your time is now!

Meet the miracle messenger

Hi, I’m Sam - intuitive collaborator, marketing magic maker and founder of S.H.E a global community of seekers, healers and empaths. In 2019, I began channeling and tapping into hidden laws of the universe. I discovered ancient wisdom practises that I never would have believed were real. I was only just learning to understand energy back then and was literally seeing miracles on the daily. Since then I’ve taught 1000s of women around the world how to connect to their higher self, access their gifts and unleash their multi dimensional magic…I’m so glad you’re here, sister.



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Cast your gifts into the Cosmos! 

EXPECT MIRACLES and prepare for life changing results! Call in your soul clients, get ready for take off and go live with your offerings!